Devil's Hairbrush

An eerie location deep inside the heart of Brendan T. Byrne state forest. What looks like dead cedar trees, could it have been a forest fire? Poor soil? Another invasive species? It may receive a name like the basement of the pinelands or the 'shade of the pines'. This very spot radiates a hazy, uneasy energy that may stick with you for subsequent weeks from your visit.

Deformed, needle, or leafless trees grow close together with a swamp at their base. Plenty of grasses and vegetation fulfill the swamp these trees live in. Although it seems like the vegetation may dominate, the eerie trees are powerful enough to remain.
Two Star Drivability
Roads to this area are sandy, narrow, and bumpy, but mostly drivable
Rating Meanings 
- 0 Stars - Not drivable at all
- 1 Star - Dirt, sand, and one lane roads
- 2 Stars - Narrow or dirt/sandy roads
- 3 Stars - Fully drivable, paved, two lane roads